

SourcePic: Pinterest                Hellooo gaes! Thank you for open this link from YouTube. I just want to say that we are going to the next levahh! Second year in SWCU, thank you for still survive until now, and I want you to know that you've done your best! And congratulations YuHuuU! sEcOnd YeaR we're coming!!! AND DON'T FORGET TO BE HAPPY!😂 AND KEEP SMILE! Just for fun! God bless you!

What is behind K13? Foundations and Principles

             Hello everybody! I want to share my infographic about the foundations and principles to develop our curriculum. And here is the foundations and principles of Curriculum 13 (K13). Hope this infographic help you understand why our curriculum should be developed periodically and maybe being complex than the last.                If have more information write down on the comment box! Have a nice day! Thank you :D  

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Constructivism Theory by Jerome Bruner

 Journal 4 Source: At 27 October 2020 I learned a lot about constructivism theory by Jerome Bruner. In this theory, teacher as the conductor of class, they give stimulus and let the student do research about something. After students doing research, they will exchange information. This theory also explain that experience is important because from experience, students can construct new ideas. Teacher has important role as the motivator because motivation also important to construct new ideas. This theory is popular in school, my lecturer said that this theory ...

Theory of Behaviorism by Staats and Watson

Theory of Behaviorism by Staats and Watson Journal 2 Made By: Any Widyasari Source: Hello everyone, welcome back! This is my second journal. I have read some articles about John B. Watson experiment about theory of behaviorism. Watson has basic assumption that All behavior is learned from the environment. He believed that psychology should be seen as a science, so it needs to be supported by empirical data. Watson also described the purpose of psychology as: 'To predict, given the stimulus, what reaction will take place; or, given the reaction, state what the situation or stimulus is that has caused the reaction. Watson used little Albert as the object of experiment. His experiment using classical conditioning to program Albert to be afraid of rat. Firstly, he placed Albert in a room with a white rat. At first Albert showed no fear. Then Watson’s assistance struck a steel bar with hammer every time ...

Theory of Behaviorism By Thorndike, Pavlov, and Skinner

Theory of Behaviorism By Thorndike, Pavlov, and Skinner Journal 1  Disusun Oleh : Any Widyasari Sumber: Pada bab ini saya mempelajari theory of behaviorism yang dikemukakan oleh 3 tokoh yaitu Ivan P. Pavlov, B.F Skinner dan Edward Lee Thorndike. Secara umum teori ini merupakan perubahan tingkah laku karena adaanya stimulus dan respon. Ivan P. Pavlov mempelopori classical conditioning menggunakan anjing sebagai subjek percobaan kemudian daging dan lonceng sebagai stimulus. Kemudian B. F Skinner menggunakan pendekatan dan penguatan, dengan tikus yang lapar sebagai subjek dimasukan dalam Skinner box , sehingga tikus berusaha menekan tombol, jika tikus menekan tombol yang benar maka akan keluar makanan yang merupakan bentuk dari penguatan. Sedangkan Edward Lee Thorndike menggunakan eksperimen dengan kucing yang lapar dimasukan dalam puzzle box , diperlukan kemampuan untuk memilih sehingga terjadi trials and errors. Setelah mempelajari theory of behaviorism ini, sa...